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ESTHER BEGINS TODAY! If you can't hear God's voice, does that mean he's not acting in your life? Not according to Esther! #HarborCBR

Esther,2-God isn't mentioned once in this book, but it's CLEAR that God is working throughout it. The same is true of our lives! #HarborCBR

Esther,3-Ezra&Nehemiah recount Israel's return from exile. Esther shows that some Israelites remained in exile and were used mightily. #HarborCBR

Esther,4-Esther shows us the powerful influence we can have in our workplace when our desire is to serve God and His people. #HarborCBR

Esther,5-An excellent story! Beautiful&Courageous heroine, evil villain, romance, suspense, irony, poetic justice, and a happy ending. #HarborCBR

Es1-The rotten arrogance of male chauvinism! More frustrating than reading it is the pain of suffering under it. An ominous intro. #HarborCBR

Es1,2-Ahasueras is the king's Persian name. He is better known for his Greek name: Xerxes. #HarborCBR

Es2-Esther's beauty was a gift she used w/Mordecai's wisdom & was made queen! What gifts do you have that can be used to bless others? #HarborCBR

Es2,2-King's image declines: "Wife displeases you? Get another one! Ensure she's pretty!" We scoff, but imitate this in our thoughts. #HarborCBR

Es2,3-Mordecai saves the king's life. Not a small act, and it's recorded in the king's annals. Wonder if that's important to the plot? #HarborCBR

Es3-Justified or not, Mordecai's defiance of Haman causes annihilation to be declared on God's people. The king is on Haman's side. #HarborCBR

Es3,2-Mordecai descends from Saul (son of Kish 2:5). Haman descends from Agag (an Amalekite). 1Samuel 15's hatred is playing out again. #HarborCBR

Es4-Mordecai convinces Esther that her purpose in life may be for just this moment. What are you on earth for? #HarborCBR

Es4,2-This chapters begins with and ends with fasting. Fasting is an act of great dependence on God. #HarborCBR

Es4,3-For a book that doesn't mention God by name, His people seek Him passionately. When God seems silent, don't stop seeking Him! #HarborCBR

Es4,4-The tension is set: Esther will go in. Will the king execute her, or extend his scepter to save her life? #HarborCBR

Es4,5-Mordecai's faith in God's ultimate deliverance should stretch all our faith! #HarborCBR

Es5-Esther risks her life & is spared by the king's grace. Now a race: Esther's plot to save Israel vs. Haman's plot to kill Mordecai. #HarborCBR

Es5,2-Esther is saved by grace to plead for Israel's salvation. In the gospel, Jesus must be crucified to plead for our salvation. #HarborCBR

Es5,3-Haman shows the consuming power of hatred. He can't enjoy his life because of his hatred. What hatred to you need to let go of? #HarborCBR

Es6-A priceless reversal! Evil, arrogant Haman sets himself up for honor, but must bestow this honor on his arch enemy, Mordecai. #HarborCBR

Es6,2-God is in the details of our lives! Insomnia causes the king to learn that he never honored Mordecai for his heroism in ch2. #HarborCBR

Es7-Esther reveals her identity & pleads for the Jews. Haman is exposed & hanged from the gallows he built to hang Mordecai. Justice! #HarborCBR

Es7,2-Esther risks her life to plead for God's people. I'm so thankful that Jesus sacrificed His life to plead for me. #HarborCBR

Es8-Esther&Mordecai are saved. Now she pleads for all the Jews (who were condemned by Haman's edict in ch3). Blessed to be a blessing. #HarborCBR

Es8,2-Esther&Mordecai share their victory with their people. Jesus experienced defeat for us so that we would share His victory. #HarborCBR

Es9-Tough to connect when we don't have people actively trying to kill us and our families. v10: self-preservation was the motive. #HarborCBR

Es9,2-God leads His people in a new Exodus from bondage and death threats. Purim is the new Passover, celebrating this victory. #HarborCBR

Es10-Book ends w/Mordecai exalted and using his position to care for and shepherd God's people. Biblical leadership serves others. #HarborCBR

Es10,2-Mordecai becomes like Joseph and Daniel-exalted in a foreign government to lead with wisdom and to bring peace (shalom).

Es10,3-Esther ends similarly to Ruth: after the heroine's triumph, the guardian (Naomi & Mordecai) have an epilogue-like happy ending. #HarborCBR

Es10,4-Alas, even the infatuation of romantic bliss cannot stave off taxes forever (compare 10:1 with 2:18). #HarborCBR

Posted by Steven Cooper with
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