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Ecclesiastes CBR Tweets

Ecclesiastes: a shockingly honest declaration of why happiness is so elusive.

Ec1-Begins w/a depressing conclusion that tugs at us because we fear it's true. Evidence & personal experience support it. Is he right? #CBR

Ec1,2-Vanity can mean meaningless, worthless, or simply fleeting. I like fleeting best--think vapor: a squirt from a spray bottle. #CBR

Ec1,3-v3-7 Work: no lasting impact. People come & go. Sun&wind go in circles. Streams don't fill the seas. Eyes&ears: never satisfied. #CBR

Ec1,4-v9-1 There's nothing new. We forget the past. The present will be forgotten. So what's the point? All is fleeting. #CBR

 Ec1,5-v9 A phrase in this verse is key to unlocking this cryptic book: "under the sun." The answer comes by looking ABOVE the sun. #CBR

Ec2-Pleasure, alcohol, achievements, stuff, $$, entertainment, sex-all is fleeting. Anyone who says differently is selling something. #CBR

Ec2,2-If all is fleeting, what's v24-26? Not defeated resignation. v26 is the 1st hint at the book's answer for life's meaning. See it? #CBR

Ec2,3-Life under the sun is fleeting w/o knowing the One who lives above the sun. Christmas really is the answer to Ecclesiastes! #CBR

Ec3-2:24--3:15 are one unit that gets to the answer of where we can find meaning and purpose in life. 2:26, 3:11,14 show the answer. #CBR

Ec3,2-v1-8 How can v11 say God makes all these beautiful? Only reflection w/in the perspective of eternity can see beauty in the bad. #CBR

Ec3,3-v1-8 There is beauty in death when you have hope in the restoration of resurrection. #CBR

Ec3,4-v1-8 There is beauty in killing when you realize that some death brings life (food, ego, sin, the cross of Jesus). #CBR

Ec3,5-v1-8 There is beauty in weeping when it demonstrates and honors that what is lost is truly meaningful. #CBR

Ec3,6-v1-8 There is beauty in hating when you recognize that some things need to be opposed in order for more of eternity to be tasted. #CBR

Ec3,7-v1-8 There is beauty in war when you understand that some conflicts in life need to be violently engaged (sin & oppression). #CBR

Ec3,8-v11 Eternity is in our hearts. Longing to matter, to be known & loved, to understand purpose--this is eternity coming out of us. #CBR

Ec3,9-v11 Knowing that there is eternity makes renewed people. It gives a relationship with God, and a perspective that sees more. #CBR

Ec3,10-v11-12 In the frustration that comes with needing to have faith, God gives us joy in food and work. Can you find joy in work? #CBR

Ec3,11-v14 Here is the answer to the Vanity/Fleeting/Meaninglessness of life: what God does endures forever. God's work isn't fleeting. #CBR

Ec3,12-v14 God does all of this so that we would revere/honor Him. THIS is the key to getting above the sun to find meaning in life. #CBR

Ec3,13-v16-18 The freedom to act wickedly is God's test to show who will act like humans in His image, and who will act like beasts. #CBR

Ec3,14-v19-22 Under the sun we can't know what happens after death. This is why the resurrection is so important: it glimpses eternity! #CBR

Ec4-v1-3 The oppression in our world! Power is God-given to serve those with no power (Ps 72). When power serves self: evil & despair. #CBR

Ec4,2-v4 All excellence in work comes from envy? A depressing corollary of social Darwinism. We need an above-the-sun view of work! #CBR

Ec4,3-v6 Less w/Quietness > Full w/Envy-chasing labor. Knowing God brings us above-the-sun wisdom that frees us from the rat race. #CBR

Ec4,4-v7-8 The sad tragedy of driven people who have no community. When work doesn't serve those you love, it's benefits are fleeting. #CBR

Ec4,5-v9-12 The joy of Growing in Community! Greater reward! Support! Restoration! Warmth! Protection! Not fleeting, these last forever.#CBR

Ec4,6-v9-12 Thank U Jesus! You give me Your reward for my sin! Your support & restoration keep my heart aflame. Together we are strong! #CBR

Ec4,7-v13-16 Poor wise young > Rich foolish old king Our good work decays when we stop listening to advice. We'll always need community.#CBR

Ec5-v1 Key to real meaning in life: Listen to God. Don't go through the motions with God. You will have meaning. #CBR

Ec5,2-v2 God deserves reverence. Listen before you assume you know more than He does. He sees from above the sun, you see from below. #CBR

Ec5,3-v7 Reverence for God is the key to everything. It humbles & encourages because you remember all that God has done in Jesus. #CBR

Ec5,4-v10 Love money and you'll never be satisfied because money is a cruel lover. It's unceasing message is "just a little more." #CBR

Ec5,5-v20 God's love is demonstrated in His giving us things to enjoy in life, even if we can't solve the world's greatest problems. #CBR

Ec6-An incredible tragedy: one who works their whole life, but never stops to enjoy it. Why are we never satisfied? God is! #CBR

Ec7-Makes sense only as the response of one deeply aware of the world's brokenness. Honest frustration and lament > ignorant happiness. #CBR

Ec7,2-v3 Honest lament is crucial to finding happiness in our broken world. When expectations are properly set, we can have joy. #CBR

Ec7,3-v9 Anger is dangerous. It will consume and control us if we're not careful. #CBR

Ec7,4-v15-18 Any life lived, whether wise or foolish, won't satisfy without a reverent relationship with God. Knowing Him gives hope. #CBR

Ec7,5-v29 The source of the brokenness in the world? It's not God, it's us! We are quick to blame Him, but it's people who do evil. #CBR

Ec8-v1-9 The life that satisfies is a life lived under authority--both God and government. Respect and reverence lead to really living. #CBR

Ec8,2-v10-13 This language emphasizes the need for speedy trials-not just for unjustified confinement, but for connected punishment. #CBR

Ec8,3-v16-17 A healthy corrective to thinking we can know everything. There's no despair if you know the One who does know everything. #CBR

Ec9-Circumstances good and bad happen to all, regardless of their integrity or religion. Knowing this is frustrating AND freeing. #CBR

Ec10-Proverbs about wise & foolish rulers, the power of words, & the need to keep improving. Above the sun wisdom for life down here. #CBR

Ec10,2-v1 This is where the phrase, "A fly in the ointment" comes from. #CBR

Ec10,3-v4-5 Frustrated by the political system that corrupts society? The Bible understands your pain. Take care how you respond to it. #CBR

Ec10,4-v8 If you set a trap for others, you'll be trapped. If this doesn't happen literally, it will happen to your soul. #CBR

Ec10,5-v10 This is Stephen Covey's 7th Habit of Highly Effective People! Our tools (and us!) need regular sharpening. #CBR

Ec10,6-v16 Is this why Jesus waited 30 years before He began to reign? He grew in wisdom, stature, & favor w/God & men (Luke 2:52). #CBR

Ec10,7-v17 A purpose for food is to give strength. So the purpose of fasting is saying: God I'm not strong enough to do this! You must! #CBR

Ec10,8-v19 Bread = laughter. Wine = gladder life. Alcohol = God's gift. Don't abuse any of God's gifts. Communion = celebration! #CBR

Ec11-v2 Invest in community, and it will care for you in hard times. Good reason to join Harbor City Church and Grow in Community. #CBR

Ec11,2-v3-4 If you are overly worried about what may come, you'll never do anything. Failing while trying > Not doing anything #CBR

Ec11,3-v5 We don't understand God's work. We don't have His perspective unless He gives it to us. Good reason to read the Bible. #CBR

Ec11,6-v7 Light is sweet, healing to the spirit. Being in the sun is a foretaste of basking in the glory of God. #CBR

Ec11,7-v8 is the beginning of a conclusion. Rejoice in the good in your life, and recognize that evil things are part of life too. #CBR

Ec12-The book''s summary ending: Revere & obey God when young, so when life deteriorates with age, your life will have lasting meaning. #CBR

Posted by Steven Cooper with