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Deuteronomy CBR Tweets

#HarborCBR  Deuteronomy starts today! Need a fresh start in your life, or the chance to fix the wrongs of your family's past? Join me! 5 ch/week.

Dt1-A fresh start begins w/ reviewing the past--even the bad & ugly. Remembering keeps us from repeating, & reminds us of grace. #HarborCBR

Dt2-In reviewing the past, God gives us examples of others who been blessed as he promises to bless us. He can be trusted. #HarborCBR

Dt3-In reviewing the past, God reminds us of His victories for us. This gives us confidence to redeem the past: God fights for us! #HarborCBR

Dt3,2-Reading this with Ryan this morning. His take: When we fight with God on our side, we always win! #HarborCBR #HarborCBRwithRyan

Dt4-The past shows God is near(7), wise(8), rescuer(20), jealous(24), and merciful(31). The future will be different because of Him. #HarborCBR

Dt5-God has spoken! Fresh start/fixing the past happens as we trust God by following his ways. His instruction brings full life. #HarborCBR

Dt6-A fresh start begins w/a relationship w/God. Love&obedience is our part. Rescue&good life is His. Take care not to forget Him! #HarborCBR

Dt7-This is shockingly good and bad: bad for those judged by God, good for those blessed by Him. The difference? A relationship w/Him #HarborCBR

Dt7,2-Why the destruction of the nations? Evil tyrannies that oppress, abuse power and rebel for over 400 years (see Genesis 15:16). #HarborCBR

Dt7,3-When people understand the people God judges, they rethink their opposition to judgment and ask, "Why did God wait so long?" #HarborCBR

Dt7,4-Amazing: a chapter so clear on judgment has explanations of God's amazing grace & love. They fit together at the cross of Jesus. #HarborCBR

Dt8-The key to a fresh start: take care not to forget God or his ways. God's discipline is designed to humble us, and bring us home. #HarborCBR

Dt9-A fresh start means not thinking too highly of yourself. We often repeat sins of the past. Owning this is key to not repeating it. #HarborCBR

Dt10-A fresh start is all about God: He is worthy of our respect; worthy to be followed, loved, and served w/all your heart & soul. #HarborCBR

Dt11-What does it mean to obey God? v22-Love Him, walk in all His ways, and hold fast to Him. Great pictures of a real relationship! #HarborCBR

Dt12-A fresh start means sometimes breaking with the bad influences around you. It takes effort to be the new you! #HarborCBR

Dt13-Our commitment to a fresh start is tested by God, to see if we're sincere. God calls for devotion, and idolatry is not tolerated. #HarborCBR

Dt14-A fresh start means tithing, which = celebration! Does God really say, "buy wine or hard liquor, whatever your appetite craves"? #HarborCBR

Dt15-A fresh start produces a community of open-handed generosity: willing to forgive debts and share. Blessed by God to bless others. #HarborCBR

Dt16-A fresh start includes a year with set celebrations! God's past salvation and present provision give future confidence. PARTY! #HarborCBR

Dt17-A fresh start includes God using people to govern His community. He restores us to His image. Our leadership should reflect that. #HarborCBR

Dt18-A fresh start includes God as reward! We need no other gods or practices, just people who remind us of His word and ways. #HarborCBR

Dt19-A fresh start includes a community protected from rage-blinded revenge and lying. Truth and justice hold any community together. #HarborCBR

Dt20-A fresh start becomes sober reality when we see judgment day arise. We're grateful that God has put us on His side. #HarborCBR

Dt20,2-"Do not fear or panic or be in dread, for the LORD your God is he who goes with you to fight for you, to give you the victory." #HarborCBR

Dt21-God creates community where those who were defenseless care for the defenseless: captive/unloved women, parents, even criminals. #HarborCBR

Dt22-A new life means God is welcome in everyday life. Thoughtfulness & protecting the abusable are fruits of knowing He is with us! #HarborCBR

Dt23-A new life excludes uncleanness. Good news that Jesus makes us clean. We who believe in him will never be excluded. #HarborCBR

Dt24-God's laws show what He's like. Protector, celebrator, adopter, benevolent, provider. His laws lead us to become like Him. #HarborCBR

Dt25-A fresh start means community seeking justice for all: widows dignified, criminals respected, borrowers and lenders don't abuse. #HarborCBR

Dt26-A fresh start includes giving to God. All we have comes from Him. We live in covenant, living for Him because He gave all for us. #HarborCBR

Dt27-For a fresh start: renew your vows w/God. We become His people. We commit to His word, rehearsing its blessings and curses. #HarborCBR

Dt28-Blessings & curses in this life foreshadow eternity. Striking to see the curses experienced in our country today(v30-36). #HarborCBR

Dt28,2-The chapter turns on one word: IF(v1,15,58). God's requirement? "Serve the LORD your God with joyfulness & gladness of heart." #HarborCBR

Dt29-A fresh start/a relationship w/God is a sworn covenant. We pledge love and glad service. He pledges blessing and protection. #HarborCBR

Dt30-When your fresh start fails (and it will), if you return to God, He'll have compassion and welcome you back to start fresh again. #HarborCBR

Dt31-A fresh start succeeds when God goes before us. His past victories for us give us strong confidence for our future. #HarborCBR

Dt31,2-A fresh start is lived by being strong and courageous! Don't fear for God is with you! He will not leave you or forsake you. #HarborCBR

Dt31,3-Every generation needs leaders to set the example for God's people. They show that it's possible to be strong and courageous. #HarborCBR

Dt31,4-Every 7 years the whole law is read to the people at the nation-wide party that celebrated the Exodus. Remember your salvation! #HarborCBR

Dt31,5-The purpose of God's Covenant: that we hear & fear Him. Fear doesn't mean be afraid. He says, "Do not fear." It means to honor. #HarborCBR

Dt31,6-The prediction of Israel's failure is startling. Is it love that God goes through with it even though He knows they'll fail? #HarborCBR

Dt32-A fresh start sings songs that review the past, remember God's work, reveal our failures, and renew our relationship w/Him. #HarborCBR

Dt33-Knowing their future decisions, God blesses his people. He walks w/us until we walk away from Him. Even then He invites us back. #HarborCBR

Dt34-Though Moses died, God assured him of the future of his people. Moses' eye was undimmed, his vigor unabated. May we end that way! #HarborCBR


Posted by Steven Cooper with