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Leviticus CBR Tweets

#HarborCBR Leviticus starts today! It's so hard to read thru this book on your own, so read it along with me! Five chapters/wk, and I'll be tweeting on each chapter to help you find your way thru this confusing but rewarding book!

LEV1-Now Israel has the tabernacle, what do they do with it? God is now with them, how do they worship Him? Leviticus answers! #HarborCBR

LEV1,2-The burnt offering was unique, being offered to God in its entirety-v9,13. Showed the worshiper's complete devotion to God.#HarborCBR

LEV1,3-Same burnt offering, 3 different animals: v3 herd (bull), v10 flock (sheep/goat), v14 bird (pigeon/dove). #HarborCBR

LEV1,4-Genius of Leviticus: v4--Israel knows exactly when God accepts them. w/o this, you'll never feel you've done enough. #HarborCBR

LEV1,5-How Burnt offerings apply to us: we offer our lives to God, fully devoted as a living sacrifice to Him (Rom 12:1-2). #HarborCBR

LEV1,6-v4 The act of laying the offerer's hand on the head of the animal is that the animal is now substituted for the offerer. #HarborCBR

LEV1,7-The tabernacle deals with serious issues in our relationship with God. But the sacrifices are also an always-open BBQ! #HarborCBR

LEV2-Grain offering: loaves, wafers, or biscuits offered to God, usually accompanying a sin or burnt offering to add emphasis. #HarborCBR

LEV2,2-A handful of the grain offering was offered to God. The rest was given to the priests to feed them. #HarborCBR

LEV2,3-v11f No leaven/honey in sacrifices(probably because they involve decay). But salt in all because God's covenant preserves. #HarborCBR

LEV2,4-v13 The "salt of the covenant w/your God" reminds us that these sacrifices are actually about a relationship w/God. #HarborCBR

LEV3-Peace Offering: sacrifice that brings peace w/God! Can be from the herd v1, or flock v6 (lamb v7 or goat v12). #HarborCBR

LEV3,2-Ch7 shows that the peace offering was shared with the priest and the worshiper. God shares a meal saying we are family! #HarborCBR

LEV3,3-Fat & blood are not to be eaten. Fat is the best and is given to God, blood represents life, which belongs to God. #HarborCBR

LEV4-Sin offering provided atonement so that any sinner could know for sure that God forgave them. This covered and purged sin. #HarborCBR

LEV4,2-Ch4 is outlined around who sinned: v3 priest, v13 whole congregation, v22 leader, v27 common person. Forgiveness for all! #HarborCBR

LEV4,3-Priest/congregation sins: blood sprinkled on altar inside the tent. Leader/person sins: blood sprinkled on altar outside. #HarborCBR

LEV4,4-Jesus gave Himself as a sin offering (Rom 8:3). His final sacrifice means that all our sins are forgiven! #HarborCBR

LEV3,4-Jesus brings the ultimate peace by sacrificing Himself on the cross (Colossians 1:20). He is the goal of this sacrifice. #HarborCBR

LEV1,8-Jesus life of perfect devotion & consecration to God is the end of this offering. It then changes us to devote ourselves. #HarborCBR

LEV2,5-Jesus is God's grain offering to us, demonstrating His "above and beyond" commitment. This moves us to respond in kind. #HarborCBR

LEV5-Details on sin offering occasions. Then the Guilt Offering, which is the Sin Offering + 20% when restitution is needed. #HarborCBR

LEV5,2-120% restitution lets you move from justice to grace. "Fine, I'll pay you back." becomes "Let me make it up to you." HUGE! #HarborCBR

LEV6-Occasions for guilt offering. Then new section begins with how priests give their own burnt and grain and sin offerings. #HarborCBR

LEV6,2-God's path of 120% restitution lets me walk in His grace and show grace in my apology. #HarborCBR

LEV6,3-The altar outside the tent was always burning. Constant devotion, confession, & peace IS the rhythm of life. #HarborCBR

LEV7-Details for the Guilt and Peace Offerings. God forgives sin, removes guilt, and gives us His peace if we come to Him. #HarborCBR

LEV7,2-v19-26 If you don't offer the sacrifices as God prescribed, you were cut off--kicked out of the nation of Israel. #HarborCBR

LEV7,3-Jesus is the final Peace Offering. He made peace by the blood of His cross-Col 1:20! He justifies us & we have peace w/God.#HarborCBR

LEV8-The priests are ordained: baptized, clothed, crowned, anointed. Sacrifices for forgiveness, dedication, and appointment. #HarborCBR

LEV9-1st worship service in the Tabernacle. This service is reflected in all church services today. We'll walk thru the details. #HarborCBR

LEV9,2-v1 on the 8th day: This is the beginning of a new week. Worshiping God is beginning of experiencing God's new creation. #HarborCBR

LEV9,3-v1 Worship starts w/God's call to people. This is a moment of dignity for us as we remember God wants us to come to Him. #HarborCBR

LEV9,4-v2-6 Worship begins with the priests/leaders first, then the people. Leaders worshiping is so important. #HarborCBR

LEV9,5-v7-14 Leaders confess sin&devote themselves to God (Sin & Burnt Offerings). Humility, Honesty, Devotion is leader-worship. #HarborCBR

LEV9,6-v15-21 People's worship: Sin(Confess), Burnt(Devote), Grain(Thank), Peace(Rejoice as Family) Offerings. Worship blesses! #HarborCBR

LEV9,7-God's response to our worship: Sin(Forgives), Burnt(empowers), Grain(Delights), Peace(Adopts). Worship unites us to God. #HarborCBR

LEV9,8-Most churches today reflect a Christ-centered version of these offerings in the songs, prayers, message, and sacraments. #HarborCBR

LEV9,9-v22-24 God appears, accepts the worship, and blesses the people. The people are amazed and fall on their faces. #HarborCBR

LEV9,10-v24 After all the sacrifices are received by God, the people fall on their faces. Worship begins at the end. #HarborCBR

LEV9,11-v22 Aaron's blessing the people is like the benediction or final blessing pronounced at the end of our worship service. #HarborCBR

LEV9,12-Worship's moments: Dignity(call), Transformation(Sin Off), Dedication(Burnt Off), Communion(Peace Off), Mission(Blessing).#HarborCBR

LEV9,13-Service: Leaders Prepare, People Offer, God accepts and blesses. Good outline for Sunday Services today. #HarborCBR

LEV9,14-This service is covenant renewal. God and His people are renewing their vows of family love and commitment to each other. #HarborCBR

LEV10-God is holy. If He tells us how to worship (Exodus 30:9) and we disregard Him, we act like worship is about us and not Him. #HarborCBR

LEV10,2-v16-20 Priests are to eat the sin offering to bear the sin of the people. Eating is identifying (like Lord's Supper). #HarborCBR

LEV11-God is holy and calls us to live in step with Him. These clean and unclean laws help us to experience God when we eat. #HarborCBR

LEV11,2-v44-45 God's instructions are based on God saving us. We follow not to earn His blessing, but becuz we have His blessing. #HarborCBR

LEV12-Blood from childbirth = mom is unclean. Circumcision cuts the time for boys in half (girls not complaining). Born in sin? #HarborCBR

LEV12,2-40 days for boys may connect to Jesus' desert for 40 days after baptism. Sonship leads to Him taking our sin for 40 days. #HarborCBR

LEV13-Contagious or worsening skin diseases make someone unclean. Contagion w/health needs quarantine, w/sin it needs fellowship. #HarborCBR

LEV13,2-v45 The unclean has to be open with his uncleanness. Also w/sin we need to be open about our struggles. We ALL have them. #HarborCBR

LEV13,3-This shows the power of Jesus touching the leper in Mar 1:40. Foreshadowing the cross: leper is clean, Jesus is outcast. #HarborCBR

LEV14-Leprousy isn't the end with God. There is cleansing for people and houses that have infectious diseases. #HarborCBR

LEV15-Uncleanness is passed from generation to generation. But with Jesus' family, even this uncleanness is curable! #HarborCBR

LEV15,2-v31 A window into what's behind uncleanness laws: people need to separate from uncleanness so God's house isn't defiled. #HarborCBR

LEV16-A treasure chest of God's extravagant grace, proactively forgiving, cleansing, atoning, and removing our sins! #HarborCBR

LEV16,2-Jesus is for us both priest and sacrifice. As both goats He paid for our sins & removes sin far from us! Hebrews 9:11-15 #HarborCBR

LEV16,3-In light of Nadab & Abihu (ch10) God makes it clear how the priests are to approach Him. He doesn't want us confused. #HarborCBR

LEV16,4-v4 Special linen clothes worn & v23 left in the Holy Place when the work is finished. Just like Jesus in John 20:5-7! #HarborCBR

LEV16,5-Priest transfers guilt to the goats. v15-1 goat sacrificed to atone. v21-The other sent into wilderness to remove sin. #HarborCBR

Lev16,6-Annual ritual said Israel's sins not fully atoned. But Jesus' sacrifice never needs repeating. We are fully forgiven! #HarborCBR

LEV17-Why animal sacrifices? Blood = life, and our sins are atoned for by the sacrifice of a substitute. It does so we don't. #HarborCBR

LEV17,2-Other religions ate blood to get the power that the dead had. God doesn't want us to get power from anyone but Him. #HarborCBR

LEV17,3-v7 Idolatry is spiritual adultery. It's cheating on God to worship anything but Him. That rachets things up quite a bit. #HarborCBR

LEV18-v2 In the area of sexual relationships, there's a reminder that the culture doesn't determine right and wrong. God does. #HarborCBR

LEV18,2-v5 Following God's instruction has a reward: LIFE! You will live forever & now have a joy that foretastes heaven. #HarborCBR

LEV18,3-"Uncovering nakedness" = sex. Phrased this way convicts people (and I'm one) whose lust undresses others with their eyes. #HarborCBR

LEV18,4-"Uncovering nakedness" = sex. Phrased this way ALSO convicts those who uncover themselves in how they dress. #HarborCBR

LEV17,4-v11 Spelled out here: sin's penalty is death, yet God will accept a substitute in our place to atone for what we've done. #HarborCBR

LEV18,5-v24 While God's people live FOR the city, they live for God 1st, leaving them out of step w/the city they live to serve. #HarborCBR

LEV19-Following God's instruction = experiencing what He's like. God unites us to Him by how we live. Holiness joins us to Him. #HarborCBR

LEV19,2-Commandments 5,4,2,8,9,3,6,7 are expressions of the 1st. These show the close relationship between loving God & neighbor. #HarborCBR

LEV19,3-v9-10 In work, God's desire is that we provide the poor w/chances to work for sustenance. How can we practice this today? #HarborCBR

LEV19,4-v13-15 Power is given so you can serve others, not abuse them. We shouldn't profit from the helpless ignorance of others. #HarborCBR

LEV19,5-v12 explains the 3rd commandment. Calling on God's name to bolster your credibility in a lie. This offends God. #HarborCBR

LEV19,6-v23-25 A window into the Garden of Eden? Maybe the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was forbidden until year 5? #HarborCBR

LEV19,7-v33-34 Not the end of the conversation about immigration, but this part of God's heart must be part of the conversation. #HarborCBR

LEV20-Idolatry is spiritual adultery and sexual sin is idolatry. Both compromise society. God calls His people to be different. #HarborCBR

LEV20,2-Israel inherits the Promised Land = judgment on the Canaanites' sin. Of course they shouldn't repeat that sin. #HarborCBR

LEV21-Priests are to be special. These restrictions anticipate the perfect high priest, Jesus, who makes everyone special. #HarborCBR

LEV21,2-v20 crushed testicles excluded a man, but Jesus brings an age where even the eunuch is extravagantly blessed (Isa 56:35). #HarborCBR

LEV22-The things offered to God are special. Animal sacrifices must be the best people had. Only cleansed priests can eat them. #HarborCBR

LEV22,2-v11-13 The description of households clarifies infant baptism: children are in the family, marriage makes a new family. #HarborCBR

LEV22,3-Are we giving God our best time, money, energy? Or do we just give Him the leftovers? The stuff we don't care about? #HarborCBR

LEV23-God's calendar for His people is marked by FEASTS! God is joy and celebration! Rest from work and devote yourself to Him! #HarborCBR

LEV23,2-Feasts in months 1,3 & 7 to remember Israel's salvation, journey to the Land, & God's provision. Reminds me of Jesus now! #HarborCBR

LEV24-People give oil and bread. God turns them into light from Him and a family meal. Relationship with God is a 2-way street. #HarborCBR

LEV24,2-Serious punishment for blasphemy shows that God is to be intentionally and seriously honored. Words and actions matter. #HarborCBR

LEV24,3-Justice: Eye for eye = people experience what they do to others. Grace: Jesus experiences our sins so we don't have to. #HarborCBR

LEV25-The land Sabbaths(verb) for 1 year every 7. This took great faith, but God provided surplus in year 6 to provide. #HarborCBR

LEV25,2-Every 50 yrs: JUBILEE! All debts forgiven, sold land is restored. The economy prevents empires, makes everyone work. #HarborCBR

LEV25,3-v16 Land wasn't sold in Israel, just the opportunity to grow crops for the years until Jubilee. The land was God's. #HarborCBR

LEV25,4-v8 This is why in Dan 9 a week means 7 years. #HarborCBR

LEV25,5-God set His people free, so they are not to enslave each other. Sons and daughters can be hired, not enslaved. #HarborCBR

LEV26-Blessings & curses come to Israel based on whether they live in relationship w/God or reject Him. Nearness to God=blessing. #HarborCBR

LEV26,2-v18,21,23,27 Sounds similar to Rom 1:18-32: society that continues to reject God is given over to worse and worse fate. #HarborCBR

LEV26,3-v40 No matter how bad it gets, God is always willing to forgive to those who confess their sins and come back to Him. #HarborCBR

LEV27-Vows let people devote themselves or stuff to God. The devoted could be changed, as long as the commitment is fulfilled. #HarborCBR

Posted by Steven Cooper with