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May 30, 2021

The Gospel in the Book of Job

Speaker: Bill McCurine

Category: Sermon

Sermon Summary:
The book of Job shows us the gospel!

(1) Satan's Charge Against God (Job 1:1-2:10)
God pays bribes - "You're not worthy in yourself to be worshipped—people only love you for what you can give them."

(2) The friends' charge against Job and God (Job 2:11-37:24)
God pays wages - We can earn God's favor. Therefore

  1. Job's suffering is evidence of his guilt.
  2. God OWES His favor to righteous people.

(3) Job's Charge Against God (Job 3:1-31:40)
God pays no attention - You have put me on trial unjustly with no way to defend myself. "There is no arbiter between us"

(4) God's Response to Job and Job's Repentance (Job 38:1-42:17)
God's Response:

  • I have all sovereignty, power, wisdom and control over the physical world—AND the spiritual world.
    • Leviathan (Ch 41) = Satan, full of pride and sin (cf Ez 28; Rev 12, 13)
  • God is saying, "Job, this is bigger than you. I have a plan for dealing with ALL evil and brokenness, not only for you but for all of creation. Trust me; I've got this. I've got you."

Job's Repentance:

  • Humility: these things are too wonderful for me.
  • Faith: He realizes God Himself is his champion, his arbiter.
    • Fast forward to 1 Tim 2:5; Gal 3:19-20 - We have no defense against Satan's charges. But Jesus intervenes to defend us and pay our debt, and assure us of God's love.
  • Love: Job prays for his false friends, and God restores all to him except his children. Again, this shows God's bigger perspective: the children are not lost, they are hidden with Christ in God and will be restored to Job at the renewing of all things, when Leviathan is finally defeated.

(5) Job and Jesus

Colossians 1: Jesus is the image of the invisible God—and the arbiter Job (and we) need.

God says to all of us: Remember, this is bigger than you. But I see you. I love you. And I've got this; I've got you.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever felt that God is only worth worshipping because of what He can give you? How does the book of Job speak to you?
  2. Have you ever felt that God's favor or disfavor can be earned or lost? How does the book of Job speak to you?
  3. Have you ever felt abandoned by God in your suffering? How does the book of Job speak to you?
  4. Pray for each other.