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Oct 31, 2021

The Name of Jesus

Passage: Acts 3:11-26

Speaker: Omar Ortiz

Series: Acts: Windows into the Missional Church

Category: Sermon


Peter doesn't take credit, but points to Jesus as the true hero.
Jesus is the Hero of the Big Story of all creation, and therefore He is the Hero of our story, and the Hero of San Diego's story.

Jesus is the true here who:

(1) Fights our enemy (at the cost of His own life)

  • v 15 & 26 - Jesus not only healed this man, he defeated death. He has faced and defeated our real enemy, sin.
  • We make a fatal error when we try to be the hero.

(2) Heals our wounds (with the gift of repentance)

  • v 19 - Repentance leads us to forgiveness and refreshment

(3) Makes everything new again (when He returns)

  • v 20-21 - Healing of the lame man is a picture of God's restoration of everything when He returns. This is where we are headed.
  • v 22-25 - referencing Moses, Samuel, Abraham ties in the whole of redemptive history. This is where we have come from.
  • Jesus ties together future and past— Jesus is the Hero of the Big Story of all creation, and therefore He is the Hero of our story, and the Hero of San Diego's story.


  • Our friends, families, neighbors, co-workers, and city do  not need us to be the hero. They needs Jesus.
  • Like Peter, we do good in the city in order to point people to Jesus, the true hero.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who are the people in your life that can help you see the false heroes you are trusting (or are tempted to trust)?

  2. The healing of the paralytic was a sign of God’s power at work. How has the Lord demonstrated his power in your life recently?

    [Refreshment] is by no means unusual in Christian experience, as again and again, in worship and sacrament, in reading the scriptures, in Christian fellowship and prayer, we taste in advance just a little bit of the coming together of heaven and earth, the sense that this is what we were made for, the new world which we shall finally enjoy. It is there, available, ready for all who seriously seek it. (Tom Wright, Acts for Everyone)

  3. Have you ever experienced refreshment from the Lord by any of the means mentioned in the quote? If so, would you share them?  If not, how might God be calling you to follow him this week?

  4. Spend time praying for the Lord to refresh you/each other this week.