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Daniel CBR Tweets

DAN-Two themes in this book: 1) God reigns over all nations. 2) The incredible power of a life lived for God. #HarborCBR

DAN1-God is w/us in our suffering! Israel was exiled in Babylon, kicked out of the Promised Land by God. But God went with them! #HarborCBR


DAN1,2-v3-7 Inculturation of the Jewish upstarts: delicacies, education, even renaming to reflect pagan gods. How to respond? #HarborCBR

DAN1,3-Daniel & friends accepted what they couldn’t change, pushed for what they could, excelled in all, but didn’t compromise. #HarborCBR

DAN1,4-What do I feed on from the culture that hurts my relationship with God? See how God blesses those who don't compromise?! #HarborCBR

DAN1,5-8-9 are a summary. V10-16 tell the story in detail. This repetition is common in OT literature. #HarborCBR

DAN1,6-v2 These vessels from God's house (the temple) will show up with great significance later in the story (see chapter 5). #HarborCBR

DAN2-Lasting influence comes when we know the God who governs history. Seek Him in trials, give Him credit after them! #HarborCBR

DAN2,2-God predicts history: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, & Rome. Then God will bring His kingdom that will fill the earth. #HarborCBR

DAN2,3-Daniel saves the people because he knows God & speaks what he has learned from Him. We should share what we have learned. #HarborCBR

DAN2,4-God blesses Daniel's faithfulness so much that the ruler of the known world (think Xi Jinping of China) honors his God. #HarborCBR

DAN3-Jesus is with us in the worst of our suffering! His past suffering assures us of His presence in our present suffering. #HarborCBR

DAN3,2-Neb's honor of God is short-lived. His dream turns to feed his own arrogance: gold head to gold statue. 90' high, 9' wide. #HarborCBR

DAN3,3-STRETCH to have the confident & resolved faith of v16-18! He can save us! But even if He doesn't, we'll still honor Him! #HarborCBR

DAN3,4-I struggle to avoid the anger & opposition of people who don't trust God or the Bible! I shouldn't be surprised or afraid. #HarborCBR

DAN3,5-Defiant mirth characterizes the faith that gives confidence in all circumstances. Jesus has delivered us, what can men do? #HarborCBR

DAN4-God rules over ALL. BUT so that we still choose good or bad & experience consequences. AND so that His people are blessed. #HarborCBR

DAN4,2-God humbles arrogant Neb, humiliates him actually. Then Neb is bragging about God! Painful discipline leads to delight. #HarborCBR

DAN4,3-v3&34 Fads, people, even nations come and go, but God's kingdom lasts forever. His ways last thru the decline of all else. #HarborCBR

DAN4,4-v9 Daniel was chief Magi. This is why the magi were following his writings 600yrs later looking for the birth of Jesus. #HarborCBR

DAN4,5-v27 Daniel was FOR the king. He longed for his repentance & prosperity.The church misses this when it's not City Positive. #HarborCBR

DAN4,6-v1 God asks SO THAT all the nations would know Him. He chose some people so that they would show ALL people who He is. #HarborCBR

DAN4,7-v30 I! MY! MY! It's all about Neb! Arrogance destroys us and others. It steals credit from God & makes others our slaves. #HarborCBR

DAN5-Frustrated w/authority in your life? Parents? Boss? Government? God brings all injustice to account. His people shine thru. #HarborCBR

DAN5,2-v20-3 Bel knew Neb's arrogance & humbling. But Bel still humiliated God by using God's holy things(see 1:2) for sacrilege. #HarborCBR

DAN5,3-v5 is the source of the proverbial "Handwriting on the wall." It's the finger of God (see Ex8:19; 31:18) in judgment. #HarborCBR

DAN5,4-This party was thrown in arrogant defiance. The Medes' army had surrounded the city. God's judgment can come thru people. #HarborCBR

DAN5,5-This marks the end of Babylon. God, Daniel, & His people endure through the ups and downs of all earthly kingdoms. #HarborCBR

DAN6-God rescues us in trouble! As his 3 friends in Ch3, Daniel is now persecuted & executed for his faith in God. But God saves! #HarborCBR

DAN6,2-Don't be surprised when you're mistreated for being Christian (1Pet 4:12-16). Show that God is worth more than anything! #HarborCBR

DAN7-Begins the book's 2nd half: Visions of the future. If the world seems out of control, know God is always working thru it. #HarborCBR

DAN7,2-4 beasts = 4 kingdoms of Neb's statute in ch2. Son of Man = the stone that will grow a kingdom to fill the earth (Jesus!). #HarborCBR

DAN7,3-v9-14 is the OT version of Revelation 4-5. It foresees Jesus' ascension & enthronement after His resurrection. #HarborCBR

DAN7,4-v28 Daniel's reaction = Belshazzar's in 5:9. Daniel is broken over the judgment of even his oppressors because God is too. #HarborCBR-The ram = Medo-Persion empire. The goat = Alexander the Great. The little horn = Antiochus Epiphanes. God rules thru it all. #HarborCBR

DAN8,2-These details get confusing. You need a study bible. Here's a free one I use consistentl: https://t.co/wlWwsQhq6b #HarborCBR

DAN9-Who is "greatly loved by God"(v23)? He who identifies with the sins of the people-even those he didn't commit. Like Jesus. #HarborCBR

DAN9,2-v18-19 Dan's prayer is motivated by a desire to see God honored. It's not for his own glory or pleasure. #HarborCBR

DAN9,3-v2 Daniel was studying the Bible! Reading Jeremiah and worshiping God gave him insight into the future. @HarborCBR

DAN9,4-Jeremiah's 70 years of exile becomes 70x7 years. That's when God will send the Messiah and His final kingdom. #HarborCBR

DAN10-Behind our earthly battles there are heavenly battles between angels and demons. Don't give up striving to see God honored. #HarborCBR

DAN10,2-Daniel is undone & overwhelmed. What lifts his spirit? Knowing that he is "a man greatly loved" by God(v11,19)! #HarborCBR

DAN11-Over all the details, Daniel is strengthening the king. He is City-Positive, as we should be in ourwork places. #HarborCBR

DAN12-As upheavals happen in the world thru history, those who walk w/God & help others know Him are stars who'll shine forever. #HarborCBR

Posted by Steven Cooper with
Tags: daniel