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Aug 29, 2021

A Joyful Partnership

Passage: Philippians 1:3-6

Speaker: Doug Swagerty

Category: Sermon

Sermon Summary:

How to Welcome Your New Pastor into a joyful partnership

  1. Give them time. To get settled, to get to know the city, to get to know the leadership and congregation.
  2. For Kate, love her husband. Let her see that her husband is receiving respect, honor and understanding in his new position.
  3. Help them understand San Diego. Not just places and events, but the values, perspectives and concerns of local San Diegans
  4. Love their kids Elisha, Asher, Lena and Asa. Get to know them, encourage them, include them, pray for them. Respect their need for family time, and Kate's homeschool bandwidth.
  5. Follow Omar's lead. Add to Omar's gift of leadership your grace of followership.
  6. Discover and honor Kate's gifts, temperament and style.
  7. Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing. Wherever something other than the gospel becomes the main thing, it leads to fracturing of the Body of Christ, improper expectations, exhaustion and burn-out.
  8. Pray for Kate, Omar, Kate, Elisha, Asher, Lena, & Asa. The Ortiz's are coming into battle and will be targeted by the devil (Eph 6:12). Praying for them is no small or insignificant thing—it is incredibly important!

As a Group:
  1. Spend time praying for the Ortiz family, and the elders, elder advisors and staff of Harbor City Church
  2. Pray for each other