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May 09, 2021

The Hard Heart

Passage: Luke 15:11-32

Speaker: Doug Swagerty

Series: The Tale of Three Hearts

Category: Sermon

Sermon Summary:
The Prodigal Son is a parable in which Jesus reveals the characteristics of three hearts. This week we explore the heart of the Older Son.

The Older Son's Heart is:
  • Dutiful -
    • He is in the field, doing what he is supposed to do. But it soon becomes evident that he does the "right" things in order to earn the Father's love. This kind of work-based relationship can only lead to estrangement and bitterness.
  • Calculating -
    • Now that the Younger Son is gone, the Older Son sees everything as "mine." Just like the Younger Son, he wants the Father's stuff without the Father.
  • Lonely -
    • "All these years" reveals that all his obedience has actually resulted in bitterness and estrangement from the Father.
  • Angry -
    • The Father is not performing the way the Older Son wants him to. He is not condemning the wayward Younger Son, and instead is giving his "his" stuff!
  • Judgmental -
    • "This son of yours" reveals his feelings of superiority over the Younger Son; he won't even associate himself with him.
  • Hard -
    • He refuses to go in to the party
The Context:
The Scribes and Pharisees are grumbling that Jesus is receiving sinners, so Jesus tells them three parables. Each is about a party thrown for something lost that is found: 1 sheep out of 100; 1 coin out of 10; and finally 1 son out of 2. This third parable springs the trap on the Scribes and Pharisees, showing them how God's grace to receive sinners is confronting their hard heart. The parable ends with the Father kindly entreating the Older Son to come into the party too—but no resolution is given.

Both brothers are wrong, but not equally desperate. The Older Son is in greater danger. Our self-righteousness is able to alienate us from God even more than our sin.

The Older Son needs:
  1. To Be Broken.
    Both sons have lived in sinful separation from the Father, wanting the Father's stuff but hating the Father. The Father is willing to pay for their sin and welcome both back into a relationship of grace and forgiveness. Each son needs to be moved by what it costs to bring him home.
  2. A True Older Brother.
    Both sons thought they had to earn the Father's love. Both sons need a true Older Brother who pays their debt and still loves them. Jesus is the true Older Brother who is missing from the story.

Discussion Questions:
  1. In what ways do you see the Older Son's heart in your own heart?
  2. In what ways do you fall into believing you need to earn the Father's love?
  3. Have you ever been desperate for the Father? Why or why not, do you think?
  4. Pray for one another.