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Jonah CBR Tweets

#HarborCBR Jonah starts today!
What lies below the surface of our hearts? Of God's call in our… https://t.co/p3kSHTmlDE

Jon1-Nineveh = capitol of Assyria: Israel's brutal oppressors. God is ready to judge them! So why would Jonah run away from that? #HarborCBR

Jon1,2-Jonah's flight is a mystery, but there's no mystery in what happens to us when we run from God.God pursues wayward kids. #HarborCBR

Jon1,3-Everyone else on the ship could hear God calling but Jonah who stubbornly refused to listen. Are we willing to listen? #HarborCBR

Jon1,4-Jonah offers his life to satisfy the angry sea and give the sailors peace. That sounds like Jesus! #HarborCBR

Jon1,5-So the fish? That's odd. There are fish/whales big enough for this, and then there's the face that God's behind it, so... #HarborCBR

Jon2-Swallowed by a fish?! Of course you'll pray! Sometimes our difficulties are orchestrated by God to bring us back to Him. #HarborCBR

Jon2,2-Jonah's prayer connects to our dark places of loneliness, pain, and; hopelessness. Let's pray his words & draw near to God. #HarborCBR

Jon2,3-v9 Thanksgiving can be a real sacrifice-esp. when life falls apart. When there's pain in the offering it means even more. #HarborCBR

Jon2,4-v10 Vomited up by a fish? That's pretty nasty. The fish, sailors, and winds all obey God. Now will Jonah? Will we? #HarborCBR

Jon2,5-You cast me into the deep to draw me close. You remove what keeps me from beign near to You. #HarborCBR

Jon3-All is right in the world! God's man obeys. Those far from God return. God forgives. Sometimes things are great! #HarborCBR

Jon3,2-2nd time = 2nd chance to obey God. Forgiveness isn't: we don't have to obey. It's: remove sin that keeps us from obeying. #HarborCBR

Jon3,3-Jonah's message is only condemnation. The Ninevites hope is blind, but it's placed in a God who prefers not to judge. #HarborCBR

Jon3,4-Nineveh's turn is astounding. It's Christians today announcing judgment on ISIS and ISIS repenting and turning to Jesus. #HarborCBR

Jon3,5-People are renewed when they believe God, mourn over their sin, and devote themselves to change. #HarborCBR

Jon3,6-Cities are renewed when leaders believe God, mourn over their sin, and devote themselves to change. #HarborCBR

Jon4-Mystery revealed! Jonah ran from pronouncing judgment against his enemies because he worried God might forgive them! #HarborCBR

Jon4,2-God: no delight in the death of the wicked-Ez33:11. The self righteous: no pleasure in the salvation of the undeserving. #HarborCBR

Jon4,3-Jonah's problem is that God is too gracious. We want vengeance, but God's bigger story is renewing people and cities. #HarborCBR

Jon4,4-The plant is Nineveh. Jonah spiraled down into slavery to anger, Sometimes it's easier to love a plant than people. #HarborCBR

Posted by Steven Cooper with
Tags: jonah